There is a New Laptop avaliable in 2020.This Laptop is Manufactured by Google.The Model Number of this Laptop is GA 00122-US .The Screen Size of Google Laptop is 12.3 inches.The Processor used in this i5 8th Generation.The processor count of this laptop is 2.The Ram present in this laptop is 8 GB.There is no hard disk avaliable in this laptop.This laptop consists of Solid state drive which has the capacity of 128 GB.The Computer Memory technology of this google laptop is DDR SDRAM . There is also a webcam present in this laptop which has 8 mega pixel of webcam.The Net weight of this google laptop is 1.11 KG.The operating System used in this laptop is Chrome OS.There are 4 Lithium cells in this Google Laptop.There Graphics Card Interface used in this laptop is AGP .The price of this Google Laptop is 88,990 Rupees.
There is a New Laptop avaliable in 2020.This Laptop is Manufactured by Google.The Model Number of this Laptop is GA 00122-US .The Screen Size of Google Laptop is 12.3 inches.The Processor used in this i5 8th Generation.The processor count of this laptop is 2.The Ram present in this laptop is 8 GB.There is no hard disk avaliable in this laptop.This laptop consists of Solid state drive which has the capacity of 128 GB.The Computer Memory technology of this google laptop is DDR SDRAM . There is also a webcam present in this laptop which has 8 mega pixel of webcam.The Net weight of this google laptop is 1.11 KG.The operating System used in this laptop is Chrome OS.There are 4 Lithium cells in this Google Laptop.There Graphics Card Interface used in this laptop is AGP .The price of this Google Laptop is 88,990 Rupees.
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